We Need You…

Since 2011, FlyPups has relocated hundreds of dogs from kill shelters bringing them from the most desperate and deplorable situations to safe, warm, and loving homes.  FlyPups is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit comprised of volunteers, still the costs associated with transporting these dogs over great distances is significant.  So far the number of trips we fly is limited not by our volunteers available time or the overwhelming number of dogs seeking refuge, but by funding.

For those who would prefer to send a check, please make it out to FlyPups and mail to: FlyPups – PO Box 1 in Pottersville, NJ 07979

In addition to your direct donation, passive donations, at no cost to you, have never been easier.


Please note, the Amazon Smile program has ended. Thank you to our supporters who supported us through the duration of the program.

Celebrate your birthday on Facebook by choosing FlyPups as the charity you’d like your friends to support in celebration of your day.

If you’re making a donation, consider checking with the company you work for as many have fund matching programs allowing you to double your gift.

Donors & Supporters In Kind…

The work FlyPups accomplishes would not be possible

without the generous support of companies and

supporters just like you!

Get in Touch. Get Involved.