11/7/23 – 8 Dogs
11/7/2023 NC-NJ Donate Mission Number Dogs Hours Miles FollowFollowFollowFollow Common Sense And A Lot Of Love! Headwinds, that was the word for today. It took us a bit longer to get down to NC than usual, but the pups got a nice short trip with favorable tailwinds on...
9/22/23 – 22 Dogs
9/22/2023 GA-NJ Donate Mission Number Dogs Hours Miles FollowFollowFollowFollow 22 Pups On The 22nd Day! We love working with SoCo! Again it was a plane full of pups lovingly prepared for transport and adoption by Scott in GA. These pups were so happy to board the...
8/16/23 – 16 Dogs
8/16/2023 GA-NJ Donate Mission Number Dogs Hours Miles FollowFollowFollowFollow Dog Rescue 101!A trip to the far corner of NC was planned and some zig-zagging around weather necessary to get these sixteen beautiful pups home safe. Another successful mission for Common...